Valerio Di Stefano, Francesco Gaspari, La pianificazione portuale in un’ottica di sostenibilità ambientale

DIRITTO E POLITICA DEI TRASPORTI (ISSN 2612-5056), I/2022, p. 38 – 71


Port planning from an environmental sustainability perspective.

The port sector represents for our system a strategic sector both in terms of transport and, more generally, for the economy. Over the years, the legal discipline of port planning has undergone important changes and updates. In fact, this has had to clash with the historical political evolution of the country, but above all, with the birth of new rights, which over time have established themselves in our legal system. Among these, above all, there are the so-called green rights, or third generation rights, which pay particular attention to the protection and safeguarding of the environment as well as human health. The research carried out aims to analyze the new port planning especially in consideration of the so-called green rights.