Luis Alberto Marco Arcalá – La nueva regulación de los servicios de viaje vinculados y de las garantías en estos servicios en la normativa de la Unión Europea y en el derecho interno español

DIRITTO E POLITICA DEI TRASPORTI (ISSN 2612-5056), II/2019, p. 130 – 173

Abstract. The new regulating frame on linked travel arrangements and security for these arrangements in European Union statutes and Spanish law. The aim of this work is to analyze linked travel arrangements as one of the most important new legal concepts that have been entered through the Directive 2015 on package travel and linked travel
arrangements, and also how have been implemented this Directive in domestic Spanish Law in concerning with this subject, and also in relation to compulsory security for this arrangements. This paper is a brief comment of main legal provisions about linked travel arrangements in European Union and Spanish Law, focused in particularly on security for these arrangements. Finally, it has also been developed likely significance of this regulating frame in the present and in the future.